Express your love for the hit Cartoon Network series, Steven Universe, with our Playstation PS4 Skins featuring the captivating Purple Steven Universe design. This mesmerizing skin showcases Steven, the lovable protagonist, along with his distinctive gemstone. The vibrant purple background reflects the enigmatic and magical universe that Steven and his pals explore. Our high-quality, customized PS4 Skins ensure a perfect fit and offer protection against scratches and dust. Transform your gaming console into a true masterpiece and showcase your fandom with this stunning Cartoon Network Steven Universe Purple Steven Universe PS4 Skin.
Premium Skins Features
Scratch defense to keep your gadgets looking brand-new.
Precision cut vinyl that is engineered to fit your device like a glove.
High grade 3M vinyl that provides best application experience with best application experience and leaves no residue behind.
Product Specifications
Product Type | Weight | Dimensions |
PlayStation PS4 Skins | N/A | N/A |
Color | SKU | Availability |
Purple | DESIGN-PATH | In Stock |
Brand | Model Compatibility | Material |
Warner Bros | PlayStation PS4 Skins | Decorated with a premium 3M vinyl |